
Haunted Houses – an online Halloween talk


Haunted Houses – an online Halloween talk

ONLINE | Thursday 29th October at 19:00

HAUNTED HOUSES in literature, film & real life
A spooky online conversation with Daniel Ogden & Stina Björkelid

Join us online as Daniel Ogden and Stina Björkelid talk about haunted houses in literature, film and real life from a surprisingly spooky bookshop.

And you thought this year couldn’t get any more horrific...

Join in from the comfort of your own haunted(?) house, and remember – the call always comes from inside the house...

The talk will be broadcast on facebook and youtube (and archived):

» watch on facebook

» watch on youtube

Celebrate Hallowe’en at home with The English Bookshop!

» Like&Share this facebook-event

Bokmässan 2020 – Online Book Fair


Online Book Fair 2020

Meet author online at our online book festival

Six authors joined us in online conversations for our online book fair – if you missed any of these interesting meetings, watch the replays on facebook or youtube. See links below.

KulturNatten 2020 goes digital


KulturNatten goes digital

UPPSALA (and the World) | Saturday 12th September

KulturNatten (CultureNight) in Uppsala goes digital this year! Join us online as we bring the world to Uppsala, and Uppsala to the world, in our online events on Saturday 12th September!

Events are broadcast on both facebook and youtube.
Click ”Read more” for links to archived livestreams.

Harry Potter 40th Birthday Contest Winners


Harry Potter 40 – winners announcement

As Harry Potter turned 40 recently (time sure flies!) we announced a birthday contest, and over 100 of you entered! We’ve been eagerly awaiting the courier delivery with prizes to arrive (corona speed...).

We are happy to now announce the First Prize winner and four consolation prize winners! (Winners with correct answers were randomly drawn using

First prize is a beautiful Harry Potter tote bag (and we’ve put some surprises in the bag as well) and the winner is... *drumroll*... Igor T from Uppsala! Congratulations!

The four consolation prizes go to:
Alexandra B from Sala
Katarzyna B from Gdynia, Poland
Karin J from Uppsala
Ylva H from Uppsala

All winners have been contacted.

If you’re curious about the correct answers, click to read more:

Harry Potter 40th Birthday Contest


Harry Potter 40th Birthday Contest

** The contest is now closed. Keep your eyes open for the winner announcement later this week. Thanks to everyone that participiated in celebrating Harry’s birthday. **

Today, July 31st, Harry Potter turns 40! We’re celebrating the occasion with a Birthday Contest! Answer 10 questions and you might be one of  the lucky winners of great surprise prizes from Bloomsbury Publishing!

Visit one of our bookshops to fill in a contest form, or enter online at the link below.

Contest closes on Saturday 1st August when shops close, and online at midnight.

Just say ”Hi!” to order or check availability


Just contact us for orders or requests

It’s easy peasy to order (or check availability in shops) – just contact us! Send an email, send a message on facebook or give us a call. (See below for local contact details)

• Know what you’re looking for? Just let us know in an email or a message and we’ll help you out.

• Don’t know exactly what you're looking for? Let us be your personal human algorithm – we’ll help you find the right titles with our personal touch. It’s like having a personal shopper, for reading experiences!

• Welcome to browse and search our web database as well – note though that stock status might not be completely up to date (and only shows the Uppsala shop’s stock).

• No need to create an account online and do the shopping cart dance – just email or message us with your wants & needs. Let’s get personal!

Say Hi! to your local bookshop

Uppsala (and for mailorders further afar)
– email:
– send facebook message:
– visit facebook page: @UppsalaEnglishBookshop
– call 018-10 05 10

– email:
– send facebook message:
– visit facebook page: @EnglishBookshopSthlm
– call 08-790 55 10

What can we do for you today? Let us know.

Midsummer in the bookshop

Happy Midsummer!

UPPSALA & STOCKHOLM | Midsummer Weekend

We wish you a happy and sunny Midsummer Weekend with lots of fun, sun, and lazy reading. Stay safe and don’t forget the sunscreen!

The Uppsala shop is closed on Midsummer’s Eve (Fri 19th) and Midsummer’s Day (Sat 20th), open on Sunday 12–16 as usual.

The Stockholm shop is closed all Midsummer Weekend, Friday 19th–Sunday 21st.

The Bookshop Band Lockdown Book Show – live on facebook!


The Bookshop Band Lockdown Book Show

Every Friday at 21:30 – Live on facebook!

Live from their home in Wigtown – The Bookshop Band Lockdown Book Show! A concert of book-recommendations for lockdown reading.

Watch the show live on our facebook pages every Friday at 21:30 Swedish time (or archived any time) :
» Uppsala
» Stockholm

Online talk: Presidential Election amidst Pandemics & Protests


Online talk: Presidential Election amidst Pandemics and Protests

ONLINE | Wednesday 17th June at 19:00

How is the president of the United States elected?

And what impact will the ongoing coronavirus pandemic have on the election this year? And how will the Black Lives Matter movement and protests affect the election?

Join us online in this live stream to discuss these and other questions with guest expert Daniel Ogden. Talk followed by Q&A session – put your questions in the live comments during the broadcast.

Watch the replay on facebook or on youtube

Walpurgis Shop Hours


Walpurgis Shop Hours

The bookshops are open during the Walpurgis weekend:

Thurs 30 April  11–17
Fri 1 May  12–16
Sat 2 May  10–17
Sun 3 May  12–16

Thurs 30 April  11–18
Fri 1 May  12–16
Sat 2 May 11–16
Sun 3 May closed

Welcome to contact us anytime by email or on facebook messenger.

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