STOCKHOLM | Friday 27th August at 17:30. Free!
We’re excited to welcome Felix Marquardt to the Stockholm shop on Friday 27th August for a book presentation and signing! Outdoor event in the backyard behind the bookshop (Rain? The event moves inside, limited seating inside – pandemic precautions in place.)
Welcome to listen to him presenting his new book The New Nomads – How the Migration Revolution is Making the World a Better Place.
In conversation with Therese Larsson Hultin, SvD Foreign Affairs Analyst.
What if migrants, rather than the point of contention they have become, were the key to bridging the divide of our polarized politics?
In our collective consciousness, the term ‘migration’ conjures up images of hordes of refugees fleeing ‘their’ country, escaping on rafts and coming to invade ‘ours’. And immigration is viewed as a problem to be solved.
We’ve got it all wrong.
Migration is about refugees and asylum seekers, but it’s about all sorts of other modern-day nomads, too. The New Nomads shows how people from everywhere are finding opportunities everywhere.
Felix visits the Stockholm bookshop during the Stockholm Bokhelg, get your book at the event and have it signed by the author. Signing preceded by a conversation with the author and Therese Larsson Hultin, SvD Foreign Affairs Analyst.
» Visit thenewnomads.org to read more about the book and the author
» Read more on the facebook event page. Like&Share!
» Visit the book page on facebook
STOCKHOLM Friday 27th August at 17:30
Free! Outdoor event in the backyard at the bookshop.
The English Bookshop, Södermannagatan 22, Stockholm
In case of bad weather, the event moves inside – limited seating inside, pandemic precautions in place.